Monday, May 19, 2008

Analysis of "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child"

Addressing the issues and conflicts of the modern generation, Hillary Rodham Clinton's It Takes a Village to Raise a Child emphasizes the responsibility of the society to encompass the prosperity of it's children and country. Clinton asserts on the need of America to go to it's prior roots, and utilize the strong moral and ethical values to raise and help develop it's constituents, towards a more secure future. By applying anecdotes of her early memories of discipline, Clinton emphasizes in a greater extent, a commitment of parents to be lovable and understanding, as well as authoritative. From her experience as a daughter, to a her feeling of being a mother, Clinton appeals to the sense of comfort and security, in America that has gradually changed it's sense of family.

I seldom enjoyed this book, because it was centered on the white American, suburban family, which proved quite inapplicable to my community.

How would Clinton define family?

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